Our World Is So Nice


Duo show with Sophie Serber at Mery Gates, New York, US. July 24 - August 22, 2021. Exhibition text by Collin Clarke.

"Alas, these Comments are sure to be welcomed by fifty or sixty people; it must also be borne in mind that a good half of this interested elite will consist of people who devote themselves to maintaining the spectacular system of domination, and the other half of people who persist in doing quite the opposite. Having then to take account of readers who are both attentive and diversely influential, I obviously cannot speak with complete freedom. Above all, I must take care not to give too much information to just anybody. Our unfortunate times thus compel me, once again, to write in a new way."

Guy Debord, Comments on the Society of the Spectacle

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Dear Lindsay Lohan (excerpt). Voices: "Justin" as Guy Debord, and Lindsay Lohan as herself.

Audio played from three sculptures. 04:18 minutes TRT.

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